These are core options and API properties for all columns. More options and API properties are available for other table features.
All column objects have the following properties:
id: string
The resolved unique identifier for the column resolved in this priority:
property from the column defdepth
depth: number
The depth of the column (if grouped) relative to the root column def array.
accessorFn?: AccessorFn<TData>
The resolved accessor function to use when extracting the value for the column from each row. Will only be defined if the column def has a valid accessor key or function defined.
columnDef: ColumnDef<TData>
The original column def used to create the column.
type columns = ColumnDef<TData>[]
The child column (if the column is a group column). Will be an empty array if the column is not a group column.
parent?: Column<TData>
The parent column for this column. Will be undefined if this is a root column.
type getFlatColumns = () => Column<TData>[]
Returns the flattened array of this column and all child/grand-child columns for this column.
type getLeafColumns = () => Column<TData>[]
Returns an array of all leaf-node columns for this column. If a column has no children, it is considered the only leaf-node column.
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